Sofia's little brothers (fratellini) are here!

They gave their big sister a gift: Dora with her twin siblings dolls. She was so excited since she loves Dora the Explorer!

Big sis Sofia wanted to help her mommy eat her lunch.
Both boys are in the Special Care Nursery where they are getting lots of attention and great care. The nurses are so nice and helpful in answering questions and explaining what's going on to us. Here is Benjamin James. He was born weighing 5 pounds, 1 ounce and loves pulling on all his wires and tubes. He seems to be a scrappy little fighter!

Here is Jack Anthony. He weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces at birth and went directly to Special Care since he had some fluid in his lungs and had difficulty breathing. He's quite rambunctious as well- arching his back, pulling on his tubes and wires, and removing his electrodes; but he may be slightly calmer than his little brother. I plan to get more pictures where you can see his face and body better. Stay tuned...

When Sofia came to the hospital today to visit her brothers and mom and dad she brought us some of the homemade bread she made with nonna. She is quite the little chef. I didn't get to taste it yet since she wouldn't put it down!

This is a picture of me right outside the hospital early Wednesday morning... my last pregnancy profile shot! My waist measured about 46 inches at its widest part. Whew! That's a big belly!

Jack Anthony's first photo. Is that a butt wrinkle?!

Benjamin James getting weighed. Doesn't he look like he's waving to us?!

The proud new parents with Baby Ben since he got to come to our room with us at first. Hopefully we'll get to take a picture of our whole family together as soon as the boys aren't hooked up to so many wires.

Sofia, Nonna, and Benjamin. Sofia just adores him. Such a loving big sis!