Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 9 of Construction

The framing has started despite some showers. We were still surprised at how much got done in what little dry time the framers had. Day 2 of Framing (Friday) is supposed to be a clearer day so hopefully even more can get done!

Construction Days 6-8

The concrete slab got poured and the blocks were finished up. Now we're onto framing!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Construction Day 5 (Monday) included laying the first round of block before the concrete slab can be poured. Concrete pouring is tomorrow!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Coolidge Park

We went to get some ice cream and hung out a little at Coolidge Park after dinner last night. What a beautiful night!

Cornbread Festival

Last Saturday we ventured to the National Cornbread Festival in S. Pittsburg, TN which is just about 25 minutes from Chattanooga. Unfortunately, the cornbread we had was not too tasty. Even though our friends Stacey and Andrea might disagree, we think this is Tennessee's version of The Pumpkin Show in Circleville, OH.

Sofia held on tight once the carousel started moving

Of course we HAD to pose in front of the "cornbread in the cast iron skillet man/woman"!

Lookouts Game

We went to watch the Chattanooga Lookouts play last Friday night with some of Jason's coworkers. Sofia was yelling at the players to "Hit the Ball!" and "Go, Go, Go!"

Wyatt, Candy's grandson, with Sofia